An international competition of ideas for street furniture, installations and interventions, which could be produced using artisanal methods, for outdoor spaces in hill and mountain areas in Italy’s Piedmont.
Unioncamere Piemonte and Regione Piemonte, Italy, hereinafter referred to as “the Promoter”, herewith announce an international competition of ideas open to designers, architects, landscapers and artists who are under forty years of age, for the ideation of designs for street furniture, installations and interventions destined for outdoor spaces in Piedmont’s hill and mountain areas, suitable for production using the materials and artisanal methods specified in Article 3 of these regulations.
The aim of the competition is to gather and compare ideas and technical, economic and cultural proposals in order toidentify forms of furniture and interventions that could contribute to enhancing and characterizing outdoor areas, parks, panoramic points, and significant places located in Piedmont’s hill and mountain areas.

Deadline : 27 July 2007
Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Euros | 2nd - 3,000 Euros | 3rd - 2,000 Euros

More detail info about THE HEIGHTS DESIGN CONTEST >>

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